Kristen Gates

Kristen Gates

Kristen Gates is a sports-loving Boy Mom who loves country music, kindness and COLD BEER!Biografía completa


Funeral Processions - Here's Why You Always Need To Pull Over

Funeral Procession

Foto: Getty Images

You're running late. You've already been sitting there for five minutes waiting. It's taking too long. Bottom doesn't matter. You need to wait until the funeral procession passes.

Just like you pull over to make a phone call or allow first responders to pass, you should always pull over for a funeral procession.

First and foremost, it’s a polite gesture for the grieving family. It allows them to make their way from the funeral home or church to the burial site. You would want people to do that for you and your family.

But also…it’s the law in many states. Many don’t even know if it’s a law in Georgia. I didn’t. But I did sit through one this week so I did some research.

Georgia's driving laws state that funeral processions have the right of way at intersections unless approached by an emergency vehicle or signaled by a law enforcement officer to let other drivers through it.   It IS illegal to cut into a procession line or pass one on a two-lane highway.

Sometimes it’s confusing when you’re actually behind the wheel as a funeral procession passes. In Georgia, the lead vehicle of a funeral procession must be marked with a flag or other sign and each vehicle in the procession must have its headlights on.

But let’s get back to the most important reason you should let the procession pass…it’s just the right thing to do. It all boils down to having good manners. If you see a line of cars with funeral flags following a hearse, just pull over. It’s the safest thing to do for everyone on the road. And it’s just a very easy way to show your respect for a family that is grieving the loss of a loved one.

Photo: Getty Images

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