Love Thy Neighbor

Elena is 3 years old. She has a twin sister named Freya. Elena has a rare condition called Microtia - she has a grade 3 severity. Last year she went through an operation to have her ear canal closed due to the fact that she will never have hearing in her right ear. She came through the surgery like a champ. 

Now her family is trying to raise money to have cosmetic surgery to create an ear for Elena. The surgery will cost roughly $54,000.00. Add to that the travel expenses to California to have the operation done. 

Her family has started a GoFund Me page.  Click HERE for that. There is a Facebook page as well.

Ron, is a quadriplegic. He had surgery in 2004/2005 to correct herniated discs in his spine. That surgery went well, but he did not heal the way that doctors had anticipated. Following the surgery, he was mobile for a period of time. He could still work, walk, and drive, but that slowly became more difficult over the year to year and a half following the procedure. 

He began experiencing leg pain and muscle spasms that were extremely painful. He eventually had another surgery to insert a pump directly into his spine to help relieve some of that pain. Unfortunately, the trade-off for that was his mobility. He slowly began losing control of everyday motor skills and was a full quadriplegic  by the end of 2008.  

A malpractice suit, they were told, would not hold up in court because he wasn't improperly diagnosed nor did he experience any complications during surgery. Although insurance has assisted some throughout the years, it has become increasingly difficult to get basic things approved/ covered by insurance companies. Whenever there is an emergency, an ambulance has to come pick him up in order to get him to the hospital. If ever he wants to go to a baseball game or just to dinner a special van has to be rented in order to transport him. This van costs 135 dollars every time they rent it. 

A used van that has already been converted to handicap accessible costs close to $50,000!  We want Ron to be able to enjoy his life and by having a van to take him places his quality of life could be drastically increased. 

What happened to Ron could happen to any of us. It was no one's fault, but unfortunately it has impacted his life and quality of life more than words can describe. The least we can do is help to make his life more enjoyable. Just having a van to take him to dinner with them for birthday celebrations, or to go to the park on a sunny day, or take a trip to Florida once a year, or to have in case he needs to see a doctor . These simple things that we all enjoy and take advantage of, he could take part in again! 

Anything helps us to reach this goal! We just want Ron to enjoy the little things again!


Connor is a young man who was hit by a distracted driver last year and is now paralyzed. This amazing event is to raise money for his expenses and living a fulfilled life from here on. It’s for a great cause! The event is going to be a lot of fun!

Enjoy an evening out with the girls! Come Eat, Drink, Dance and Shop. 

We are raising funds for Farrah smith as she fights to give cancer the BOOT! T

here will be door prizes throughout the night as well as a 50/50 drawing and silent auction. We will also have a full cash bar as well as heavy hors d’oeuvres.

 We are planning on having an amazing time but would like to keep it classy so we ask that you come out dressed in your best black cocktail attire with a touch of pink in support of the many women who deal with breast cancer day in and day out. 

Must be 21 and older to attend. 

Tickets are $25 in advance and $30 at the door. 

Tickets purchased before October 10 will be entered into an additional drawing for a set of custom made corn hole boards!

To purchase tickets please

For more information on donating or purchasing tickets contact: 

Candice Malone 770-540-2728 

Robyn Hummer 678-316-0766

Amanda Dockery 770-940-1063

Chad Hamby is a union iron worker who lost both of his legs at Plant Bowen in Cartersville when a beam fell and pinned him under it.  His collar bone and ribs were broken too.  Chad is currently at The Shepherd Center in Atlanta.  His family needs help with medical expenses and bills.  See the Poker Run and Auction event above and help if you can!

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